I’m writing this real quick because I keep putting it off, and I should stop that. Novel: Soulstar Soulstar came out in February 2021, so it’s eligible for nomination as a novel. Soulstar is the one where Robin’s efforts to release the witches trapped in asylums finally happens as a result of Severin becoming…
You have never published an unrevised novel. You have never published an unrevised act. You have never published an unrevised chapter. You have never published an unrevised scene. You have never published an unrevised page.
Photo by Aubrey Rose Odom on Unsplash So i’m in the midst of writing a new novel, and reader, I got stuck. I got stuck so bad that I had to go crying to my agent, Caitlin McDonald, who got back to me with the solution. And I realized something – just about every…
The day after I wrote my Ten Questions for Characters post I had a discord conversation about a question asked in the #writerspatch twitter chat on Sunday, Jan 13: “Does relatability to the reader make a character more believable?” And sure, the answer is obviously yes. But where’s the rest of the owl? How…
Some people have long and detailed lists of questions they answer for their characters, right down to what they carry around in their pockets. Others simply have characters appear to them, fully formed, ready to live the story from the beginning. I think I have a little bit of the latter, in that characters…
Sometimes people look at my process and say, “that’s so organized, I have no idea how you do this in such a tidy way, I could never do that. How do you do it so neatly?” The answer is that I don’t try, at first. That organization is the last thing I do, not…
So that’s not exactly true. Sometimes people ask me for writing advice. I’m no Johnathan Franzen – I’m a fantasy writer, working at the intersection of art, entertainment, and commercial appeal. I enjoy what I do, and I have the pleasure of knowing hundreds of people who like it too. These aren’t rules, exactly.…
The list is short. Witchmark is eligible for all sorts of 2018 awards, including the Nebula, the Hugo, and the Prix Aurora Award! (Please note that I am not eligible for the Campbell award for Best New Writer. I published a qualifying work way back in 2003.) Thank you to everyone who loved this…
A scene is a unit of dramatic action. Emphasis on drama.